Smart forms working for you!

Collect and automate information you need to save time and become more efficient.

With the Udo Web Platform you can build forms easily using our drag and drop editor, and automate by building actions that help process this information, saving you time and effort. Some of the things that can be easily achieved:

  • Creating intranets/portals to track progress of tasks, orders, projects, etc.
  • Creating standardized processes for staff (example: onboarding)
  • Assigning contacts / leads into groups based on rules
  • Pre-populating content into your Udo CMS
  • Push data out to 3rd party systems (example: CRM or ERP)

Capture additional information on enquiry leads and direct emails based on enquiry automatically.

Can I add custom fields to Products?

Yes, in Udo you can add custom fields to anything within the system, this include blog posts, categories, pages, user groups, articles, topics, and much much more. You can even use these fields to show search filters, to allow customers to refine their view of your products.

Can I create a product or listing from a form?

Yes, you can create products or other items, and even attach uploaded images to them, it is up to you to decide how far they go, they could be put into a staging area, or hidden from the public, or even pushed live on your website.

Can I protect my forms behind a login?

Yes you can create private folders (intranet / portal areas) that could require a login, or require specific permissions to access. You can also protect information pages, pricing levels, pdf downloads, and much more with Udo's comprehensive permissions model.

Add additional fields to your Customer Cards

Udo does provide the commonly required fields for customer contact cards, however there are situations where you require additional fields, these can easily be added within Udo.


  • Login to Udo as an Administrator
  • Open a contact card to inspect the current fields
  • Open field editor (In the overflow menu (three dots) select Edit Fields)
  • Add a new Custom Field
  • assign it a name, label and hint.
  • (optional) Add validation for field (example: regex patterns, list of values, etc)
  • Save new field
Custom User Fields
Can I restrict what files can be uploaded in a form?

Yes, we can restrict files by type, and also optimised images, so they take up less space. These can also be sent via email or uploaded into the CMS.

Can I use forms to get users to create login accounts?

Yes, you can have users create their own login account, and you could either have these automatically approved for use, or require some sort of manual review to approve their accounts.

Can my forms show in a Popup lightbox?

Yes, Udo has a powerful popup creator, that supports full screen and modal popup windows, with any content you can think of, including forms, video, carousels, maps, etc.

Customise your enquiry form

You can easily drag and drop new fields to collect additional information to any form within Udo the same way you edit pages, products, blog posts. You can add fields for email address, phone number, dates, multi-line text, drop-down lists, upload of attachments, and much more. You can also change how it presents, want it in a popup, create a popup for it, want it inline, update your product page layout to have the form embedded.


  • Open your enquiry form from the Marketing section of the Udo Admin
  • Add a drop down list, give it a label and name it (example: Enquiry type) and add the options (single item, spare parts, wholesale account). Flag the field as requiring a value.
  • Add a text input, give a label and name (example: Location) and flag it as a required field
Form Editor

Create a custom action to run when your form is submitted

Forms will by default send you (or anyone at your company) an email with all the information submitted, however we can customise this using Actions and building our own Transactional Emails


  • Create a wholesale enquiry transaction email, and link it to your wholesale sales email
  • Create a spare parts enquiry transaction email, and link it to your parts department email
  • Create a purchase enquiry transaction email and link it to your sales department email.
  • Create a new Action, connect it to the form submit button.
  • Add a Set Data action, and we can use this to set the new product enquiry category user field to the category name of the product that was enquired about.
  • Add an IF Condition action, and use it to determine if this is a wholesale enquiry and if so, send the wholesale enquiry email.
  • Add another IF condition for Parts and Sales enquiries, sending the corresponding email.
Custom Action Editor

Where to from here...

There are many more possibilites from here:

  • You could the customer on an email chain (schedule email campaign over multiple days, week or even months)
  • Autmoated response back to the customer, explain what to expect from here and even suggest other products or services your company offers.
  • Use your contacts database in other applications, one click export to spreadsheets is available for users or specific groups of users.
  • Push data into your CRM, or ERP system via remote API call.
Form Editor

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