
U do is packed with great features allowing your website to grow as your business does.


Full Design Capability

Udo gives you full control of your website content and design. Want to change the way your website looks is easy now and you don't need any coding experience, we believe in the "Generation No-Code". You can redesign the whole website look or any part thereof, for example, you may want to completely change the way your website looks or just how the products display, or maybe how the news looks, it is up to you. If you want us to show you how book a demo

Brand Colours
Place your brand colours for your website so the site reflects your brand, You can add as many colours as you like either via the theme configuration area or using the style manager.
Custom Code
Need to add custom code, no worries, use our custom code block to place html, tracking codes, javascript and CSS styles.
EDM Design
Design as many different looking EDM's as you wish using email marketing module. Easy drag and drop images and text. Add content filters to automatically draw the latest news or blogs and products from your website without having to touch a thing.
Font Style & Colour
Choose from thousands of fonts made available via Google Fonts. Can't find the font you want, no problems, just supply us with the correct web font and we will install it for you ready to use..
Full Design Control
Take total control of the design of your website if wanted, easily change the main templates and redesign the look and reshape your website, change colours, update logos and fonts.
History & Preview
Udo allows you to access the full history of the different pages, products, news and other items if needed. To go back to a previous version and then republish or preview again easily with just one click.
Layouts give you full design control of your website, want to change the way your website look? this is the place to do so. A website may have multiple layouts for example, pages, news, blog, Products, folios, EDM's and even Sales Funnels.
Mobile Device Friendly
All designs automatically include a mobile experience that matches the look of your website. You can optimise each look for specific mobile devices for optimum viewing and even control what content is viewed on the different devices if needed.
Save Drafts
Safe drafts for pages, news and products so you can continually work on them at a later time or date. A convenient way to create content over time and view the progress of the item being created.
Sections are ideal for 1-page style websites or yearly reports, helps when you need to break different blocks of information and have the flexibility to rearrange easily or have a completely different look.
Shopping Cart
Your shopping cart is totally flexible in design and functionality. Add as many steps as you like adding messages and upsells at any point of the sales process. Add triggers and auto-responses at any point.
Site Settings
This is where you can place your company information, add Google analytic codes, creat URL redirects and control your theme fonts and colours
Snippets are a great way to control content that you want to reuse in multiple places of your website in different pages without having to recreate all the time.
Styles Manager
Create as many styles as you like helping to keep the website look consistent. Reuse the style as many times plus very handy for updating styles as you only need to do in the one place. Add colours, padding and borders plus much more.
You can delete items and content a remove unwanted information from your website. Whoops! deleted the wrong thing! Don't worry there is a trash can where you can look in and restore if necessary.
Video Backgrounds
Create powerful visual experiences with video. Bring your website background to life with a video of your choice mesmerising your audience.


Powerful Core Features

Udo is a powerful and easy-to-use drag and drop click and edit website builder. Offering enterprise-level functionality including creating multiple admin roles for different content, website traffic stats, an easy-to-use SEO booster for Google and history of changes allowing you to backdate to a previous version when necessary all hosted on secure high-end business grade servers.

If you want us to show you how book a demo

Admin Role
Provide access to the admin are via login to update and add more content and product 24/7 from where ever you are. You can add as much content as you like (unlimited)
Admin Roles (unlimited)
Customise user roles with configurable permissions. Allow access to only post news, process orders or create and send EDM campaigns.
Click & Edit
Just click on the text and edit or start typing to add more, or click on an image to change.
Drag and Drop
Drag and drop images, videos, files and text straight into your website for easy use and fast content population.
High-end Servers
Your website will be hosted on high-end servers for ultimate speed and security with full backup and data recovery plans in place. This is for disaster recovery only and we highly recommended you have your own backup strategy in place.
SEO Booster
Be found in Google - Use the SEO Booster to enhance your pages and get on page 1 in Google for the keywords that are important for you. Add keywords and site summary for pages, products and all other items in your website. Add image name and ALT text
SSL Security
Your subscription includes a Free industry recommended 2048 bit SSL certificate helping keeping your site secure. A Google pre-requisite for today
You can delete items and content a remove unwanted information from your website. Whoops! deleted the wrong thing! Don't worry there is a trash can where you can look in and restore if necessary.
Web Statistics
Track your website visits, page views, average page views, bounce rate, compare new & returning visitors, bandwidth and what devices browsers are using on your website.


Accordions are a great way to to show lots of content for a page by minimising the space it takes up, simply click on the heading text to display all the content.
Add Pages (Unlimited)
Add as many pages as you like, there is no limit it is that simple. Quickly duplicate a page and then edit and change with your new content. It takes only seconds to do.
Keep your visitors up to date with the latest blog on what's happening. Good for SEO.
Want to show multiple images and content when you have limited space, carousels allow you to show multiple content either 1 or many at a time. Either slide or fade in.
Click & Edit
Just click on the text and edit or start typing to add more, or click on an image to change.
Columns help you frame or split content by colour or padding, you can split a column into 4. You can also nest columns inside other panels and columns, a powerful way to control the look of your content. You can alter the number of columns in a panel depending on the different devices.
Content Filters
Content filters are a great way to draw different types of content and then present how you like. Ideal for showing products, news & blog, events and much more. Even mix different types of content together, fabulous for content-heavy websites
Copy & Duplicate
You can easily copy or duplicate specific content, pages, products. Copy or drag content around on the page or between pages to reuse and edit saving you time. Even copy content from another website or word doc.
Data Feeds
Create data feeds to and from different software including Xero, Facebook and Google Feeds. We have many software integrations already and we are continually building more.
Drag and Drop
Drag and drop images, videos, files and text straight into your website for easy use and fast content population.
Easily add Videos
Simply drag and drop videos from YouTube and Vimeo straight into your website. You can also add a dedicated image if you like as well, either play straight away or in a popup window.
Drag and drop files (word docs, PDF's, PP etc) straight into your pages or upload multiple files at one time into the admin area. All files are stored in the files area of the website so if you need to update an existing file you can upload over top.
Form Builder
Create your own forms with our easy to use drag and drop form builder. Allow browsers to select their areas of interest thereby automatically segmenting your database for future EMD's saving you time
Easily add image galleries to your website, you can add multiple galleries and Images can be called by tags.
A grid allows you to display any content in a grid format, there are no limits to how many items you can place in a row, items will wrap depending on the amount you select.
History & Preview
Udo allows you to access the full history of the different pages, products, news and other items if needed. To go back to a previous version and then republish or preview again easily with just one click.
Drag and drop images straight into your pages or upload multiple images at one time into the admin area. You only need 1 image as Udo will resize and optimise the image depending on where the image is used on the website.
Inline Text Editing
Simply click on specific heading or text to edit or start typing using the inline editor, no coding is required we promise.
Latest News
Keep your visitors up to date with the latest news on what's happening. Good for SEO.
Add as many different menus as you like for pages, links, products and much more. Just attach the content in the linked items area that you would like to show in the menu.
Mobile Device Friendly
All designs automatically include a mobile experience that matches the look of your website. You can optimise each look for specific mobile devices for optimum viewing and even control what content is viewed on the different devices if needed.
Open API
We have an open API that allows Udo to talk to anything as long as they allow it. We can pull and push data depending on the application. It is totally flexible.
Panels help you frame or split content by colour or padding, you can split a panel into 4 columns. You can also nest panels inside other panels and columns which is a powerful way to control the look of your content. You can alter the number of columns in a panel depending on the different devices.
Want some text to pop, quotes are a great way to make something stand out, we usually use quotes for testimonials, however, could be used in other circumstances.
Save Drafts
Safe drafts for pages, news and products so you can continually work on them at a later time or date. A convenient way to create content over time and view the progress of the item being created.
Sliders are usually seen on the homepage but can be used anywhere using images and text as multiple banners promoting different sections or offers. Slides can either slide or fade to next banner
Smart Forms
Smart forms are used to collect and automate information you need to save time and become more efficient. Create a custom action to run when your form is submitted or you may need multiple steps to fill out. A powerful tool for you business.
Statement Text
Statement text is another great way to make text stand out and pop from the page, either as a different colour or size or both.
Tabs is another great way to show lots of content without over whelming them by walls of information to start with. Add and remove tabs, all mobile device friendly and no coding required.
Easily add customer testimonials to your website to help build trust and customer loyalty. Your testimonials can be filtered throughout your website by using tags and content filters


Keep your visitors up to date with the latest blog on what's happening. Good for SEO.
Conditions & Triggers
Create special conditions & triggers around automation of different events that occur on your website, especially powerful for email marketing and eCommerce or b2b portals.
View the history of the conversation with customers & how they engage with your website via forms & purchases. Set up tasks for future reminders & easily change an enquiry into a lead, a quotation & then an order.
Data Feeds
Create data feeds to and from different software including Xero, Facebook and Google Feeds. We have many software integrations already and we are continually building more.
Email Marketing (EDM)
EDM's are a great way to communicate with customers and keep them up to date and informed of your latest products, services and offers. Anyone who fills out any forms on the website will automatically be added to your mailing lists helping to build your database.
Form Builder
Create your own forms with our easy to use drag and drop form builder. Allow browsers to select their areas of interest thereby automatically segmenting your database for future EMD's saving you time
Import & Export Mailing Lists
If you already have a mailing list no worries you can easily import or export your contacts straight into or out of your Udo website, You can even create multiple mailing lists to help segment your database making sure the right message goes to the right customer.
Latest News
Keep your visitors up to date with the latest news on what's happening. Good for SEO.
Sales Funnels
Create your own sales funnels in minutes. Boost website conversions with dedicated sales funnels to help customers commit to your offer. 
Smart Forms
Smart forms are used to collect and automate information you need to save time and become more efficient. Create a custom action to run when your form is submitted or you may need multiple steps to fill out. A powerful tool for you business.
Social Media
Link your website to the Social Media platforms you use for your brand, easily select the icon and then create a link
Web Statistics
Track your website visits, page views, average page views, bounce rate, compare new & returning visitors, bandwidth and what devices browsers are using on your website.


Art Prints
We have a specific product specially designed for art prints allowing you to place the medium used, the different print sizes available + shipping costs, weight, stock control and by the artist and whether you want to archive, list or sell the prints.
We have a specific product specially designed for artworks allowing you to place the medium used, the size + shipping sizes, weight, artist and whether you want to archive, list or sell the work.
Add as many different categories as you like for your products. Just attach the products in the linked items area that you would like to show in the category.
Clothing Products
Clothing products allows you to create multiple sizes and other variables. Create multiple size charts for different groups, men, women, child and then select only the sizes you have available for that product.
Code Generator
Automatically create product QR codes for your products. This will also help when importing of products and images saving you heaps of time not having to re-name your images.
Courses & Bookings
Create online courses, with multiple recurring days of attendance. Manage bookings, attendance tracking, and more.
Custom Fields
Add custom fields for users to complete when adding products to the cart. This allows you to personalize products, or request custom dimensions, or upload artwork files (pdf/jpeg/zip/etc) that is required to produce the item.
Customised Checkout
You can design your checkout to be as simple, or complex as you require. Add custom fields to collect additional information, add rules to show cross and upsell products to visitors.
Easily allow customers to make a donation to you or a particular cause via your website.
Easily integrate your payment gateway. Whether you use Stripe, PayPal, OpenPay, Zip Pay, NAB Transact, ANZ, OmiPay, Eway we have you covered. Need another Payment Gateway then get in touch.
Create events and promote on your website and to your database. Show the date and time and how many seats available for the event. Works well with the ticketing module and ticket validation App.
Create exhibitions and promote on your website and email out to your mailing list. Add artworks to the exhibition and show the date and timeframe it's on. Show upcoming, on now and past exhibitions
Multiple Payment Gateways
Configure your site with your preferred payment methods, including giving your customers the choice between multiple, eg Stripe + PayPal or eWay + Zip Pay. We support all major payment methods.
Product Groups
Group similar products together, to allow your customers to choose the option they want. Works well for variations with different prices, or pack sizes.
Product Importer
Easily add products to your website via csv files. We can even customise our importer to match your csv file. Go from zero products to thousands in minutes. 
Shipping Calcuator
Calculate shipping based on size and weight of items in the cart, including box packing. Can be per item, per delivery, by dollar amount or weight & volume or remote API. Can be priced by postcode matrix, or per country.
Simple Products
Add as many products as you like, there is no limit. Our simple product is just that a simple product for when you don't need all the bells and whistles.
Create subscriptions products for customer to subscribe to your offers for example weekly, monthly, quarterly, 6 months or yearly. You decide on the time.
Ticket Validation
Simply scan the QR code on tickets, and update attendance, pass-out, refund and more, allowing you to generate analytics of your guests.
Sell tickets to your events for a day or session time, limit the number of seats at each event and session. Works well with our ticket validation App so you can keep tabs on who actually turned up on the day/session
Virtual Products
A virtual product might be a PDF or any product that you don't send via post, no shipping required. You can add as many as you like.


Data Feeds
Create data feeds to and from different software including Xero, Facebook and Google Feeds. We have many software integrations already and we are continually building more.
Folders allow you to run mulitple websites or subdomains or run an intranet under the one admin area using a single login to manage multiple websites at once. Share content across folders if needed to save on reproducing content.
Need to run an intranet for internal use, to share information or a document depository. Create multiple access levels for information and the ability to add content depending on your staff's position with your organisation.
Membership Portal
Manage your memberships via Udo, auto subscriptions with past invoice history, full members area showcasing content-specific information, create individual profiles and store contact details.
Multi Level Admin
Create different access levels for information and admin access. Allocated certain people to control areas of your website. Many hands make light work.
Create a portal for customers or internal use to help be more efficient and automate processes and save time. A great way to tie customers into your website and business model.
Purpose Driven
It's more important than ever to give your website purpose, a place that helps your customer do what they need and quickly making it easy for them to do business with you and blocking out your competitors.
Run multiple Websites
Run multiple websites using the one admin. Create different websites and content or share all or partial content across multiple sites saving on content creation especially useful for product sites.
Web Apps
Udo is Web App capable allowing you to create a dedicated business function to help business processes. Industry Inspection Apps, custom b2b Ordering, Validation Apps for al types of industry. A powerful and affordable option for building Apps

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U do
Australian-Made Website Builder