Step by Step BC Migration Plan

10 Step Adobe Business Catalyst Migration Plan


10 Step Adobe Business Catalyst Migration Plan.

[BC 2004 -2020 / AD 2021]

Step 1 - Choose the web platform

Choose your content management system (CMS) to replace BC. If you’re not sure where to start here is a list of the popular options you could look at. It is important to understand what you're using in BC to determine what system would best suit you and your business and possibly what plans you have for automation in the future if any. 

Web Platform Rating

Usability - 90% 
Power - 95%
Support - 95%
Edit Freedom - 98%
Core Functionality - 98%
Content Heavy - 98%
Relys on Plugins - No (None needed)

WordPress Usability - 70%
Power - 90%
Support - 70%
Edit Freedom - 50%
Core Functionality - 20%
Content Heavy - 60%
Relys onPlugins - 100% (Fully)

Usability - 95%
Power - 80%
Support - 80%
Edit Freedom - 75%
Core Functionality - 97%
Content Heavy - 40%
Relys on Plugins - 50%

Wix Usability - 90%
Power - 60%
Support - 80%
Edit Freedom - 80%
Core Functionality - 90%
Content Heavy - 55%
Relys on Plugins - 30%
Shopify Usability - 85%
Power - 80%
Support - 60%
Edit Freedom - 50%
Core Functionality - 70%
Content Heavy - 80%
Relys on Plugins - 80%


Step 2 - Crawl existing website

Crawl your existing website and list all the pages. Extract existing page names, page titles, page summary and page url's and then create a spreadsheet with all information. There are tools available to help do this for example   

This will help gather all your SEO meta tags you have in place and not lose any ground in Google ranking. This is a good time to analyse & perhaps improve your meta tags to make sure you're maximising the potential of keywords. if you need help please get in contact with us.

Modd BC page
Udo mobile admin

Step 3 - Benchmark performance

Benchmark the performance of your website before you move away from BC. If you have access to your Google Analytics account you should be able to take a snapshot of how your site is performing over the last year and now. This way you can measure the success of your new website and to quickly identify any traffic gains/loss after migration.

Step 4 - Content Audit

Do a content audit, is all the content on your website relevant and up to date? Do you need to add, update or remove pages, products and other content. It may be a good time to do this.

Step 5 - Create a Sitemap

Create a new sitemap of all the pages and content of your website so you can clearly see the structure and adjusts if needed. You could use the spreadsheet from step 2. This can also be used to create re-directs if needed.

FPSP - Future Problem Solving Program Australia
The team at Udo transcend the client supplier relationship, looking forward to working with MODD/Udo for many years to come.

Suzanne Digby

FPSP moved from Adobe Business Catalyst to Udo. Not only was the process easy it had all the features required and made their life easier to add and edit the website. 

Step 6 - Create your new website

Choose the web platform you want to use. Create the design & framework for your website on a staging platform and make ready for importing content from BC.  Depending on the complexity of your BC website may determine what CMS to use. 

Step 7 - Export & Import Content

Export all the content from BC into excel/spreadsheet and then make the file ready for importing into your new website for quick content population. Depending on the platform you decide to use will depend on how hard or easy the import process will be. If able, Import the content into your new website, this will save you a lot of time in populating your website.

Optimise the website for SEO. Make sure all your metadata is in place and you have created redirects where necessary so you don't lose your Google ranking.  

Udo allows you to drag and drop information straight from your BC website into your new Udo site including text, images and videos for quick content population saving hours of your time. Also has a powerful importing tool.

Images of the Business Catalyst Exporting Tools below

Business Catalyst export customers
Business Catalyst export orders
Business Catalyst export products

Step 8 - Test website

It is important to test your new website in the testing environment.

Quick Go-Live Check list.

  1. All content has imported and is showing as expected including on mobile devices
  2. Check all forms are working and being sent to the right people
  3. Check all links are working and you have no broken links
  4. All menus and navigation is working and logical for users
  5. Check your contact details and maps are showing the correct location
  6. Make sure all your page redirects are in place
  7. Create an Error404 page for pages missed or old url's?
  8. If eCommerce, make a purchase to test the cart flow including testing payment gateway and complete ordering process
  9. Check metatags and make sure the website has been optimised for search including titlebar, a summary and text based URL's.
  10.  Google tracking codes have been put in place

Step 9 - Go live & Submit to Google

Time to go Live!

Once live test all pages, contact forms & links again to make sure all is working properly. Go through the above checklist again now you are live. Test, test and test again.

When you are happy with everything then submit the new website to Google. Don't forget to update the sitemap. Check your Google tracking codes are working properly.

Now it is time to monitor the performance of the site.  Keep a close eye on how the new website is tracking. You will see fluctuations while the website settles, this is normal. The focus now is improving on-site performance. Good Luck!

If you want to discuss any of the above or you need help please don't hesitate to give us a call on 1300 836 932.

Step 10 - Update and add new content, keeping it fresh

Now it's time to update and add new content to your website keeping the content fresh. Add news or more services and products if available. Can you automate any services or integrate 3rd party software to become more efficient. That is the beauty of Udo, you website can grow as your business grows.

Compare BC & Udo

  Business Catalyst Udo CMS
Site Design    
Web Forms
Secure Zones
Content Holders
Site Search
System Emails
System Pages
URL Redirects
HTML & Javascript Code
Folder Creation
Drag & Drop images & Videos  
Click & Edit  
Layout Design  
Select Fonts  
Choose Colour Scheme  
History Version Control  
Save Draft  
Dashboard & Webstats  
SEO Booster  


  Business Catalyst Udo CMS
Email Marketing
Email Lists
Secure Zones
Photo Galleries
Social Media
Media Downloads
CRM Coming soon
Content Filters  


  Business Catalyst Udo CMS
Creating Products
Importing Products
Displaying & Customising Products
Create Feature Products
Advanced Product Features
Manage Inventory
Product Search
Export Product & Customer Data
Hide and Show Prices
B2B & B2C 
Images & Galleries
Product Rules
Status Out of Stock
Product API Feeds Push and Pull  
Product Groups  
Related Products  


  Business Catalyst Udo CMS
Products (all Types)
Discount Codes
Gift Vouchers
Affiliate Programs
Payment Gateways
Cart & Checkout
Orders & Invoices
Picking Slip
Edit Orders
Artwork Product  
Ticket Validation App  
Flexible Cart Process  
Upsell in Cart  


  Business Catalyst Udo CMS
Site Settings    
Company Information
Site Domains
Email Users
Admin Users
User Roles
Mobile Device Friendly
RSS Channels
Data Feeds  
Open API  
Theme Configuration  
Google Maps API  
Google Analytics & Tag Manager  
Cart Order Settings  
Site Verification  
URL Re-direct Rules  


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